版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Agri Loan appraiser is a productivity-enhancing tool targeted at (agricultural) loan officers. This tablet-based solution replaces paper forms and spreadsheets that many banks and MFIs still use. Key functionalities are to assist loan officers in effectively assessing the creditworthiness of farm households; and structure loans based on repayment capacity.
The App has intuitive menus and data entry fields, including GPS-based land measurement and yield calculations. It has a unique loan design feature, which allows loan officers to plan loan repayments following the seasonality of farm incomes and expenses.
Agri Loan Appraiser produces a state-of-the-art credit report in PDF format, complete with the loan budget, balance sheet, month-on-month cash flow projections, analytics, GPS based land measurement, photos of farming activities and collateral details.
This turnkey solution runs stand-alone but can also be interfaced with most core banking systems. A secure, web-based Administration tool allows the bank’s administrator to purchase licenses and configure loan terms and conditions, currency, interest rates etc. Sign up on https://apps.loanappraiser.eu
Download the App now! Financial institutions and consultants can request a 1-week test-license by contacting us on loanappraiser.eu (mention name and institution). Or purchase your licenses through https://apps.loanappraiser.eu
This App is optimised for use on 8 inch tablets or larger but also runs on 7 inch models.
Download the "Getting Started" manual here: https://apps.loanappraiser.eu/Documentation/Agri%20Loan%20Appraiser%20-%20getting%20started.pdf